Manufactured in South Africa™...
...brings together the South African manufacturing community, united with the use of the registered collective mark. The mark is protected and can only be used by members of Manufactured in South Africa™ that meet the criteria we set to guarantee the member is a South African manufacturer. There are similar marks being used by organisations that wish to emulate the success of the Manufactured in South Africa™ mark. These copy-cat marks are not registered or protected and do not provide the guarantees given by the official Manufactured in South Africa organisation.
Manufactured in South Africa™ also offers members support in four areas: sales, marketing, exports and comms/PR. Becoming a member entitles your business to a profile page on the Manufactured in South Africa Directory alongside all the other makers in 50 product categories. We encourage buyers, specifiers, and consumers to use the directory as the procurement site for South African- made goods.
Many Manufactured in South Africa™ members use the network of membership to find new suppliers and buyers.
We promote members' stories with our news stream, social media and in local and national media. We send a regular email newsletter to members, so make sure the email address info@manufacturedinsouthafrica.com is allowed through your email filters.
Journalists look to Manufactured in South Africa™ to know who is making what in South Africa. By being a member, you’ll increase the profile of your businesses with sector-based media looking to emphasise what South Africa is making right now. We also hold member workshops around the country where you can learn from other members, pitch your product, get lots of valuable social media insight and hear from experts in marketing, exports, PR and sales.
Manufactured in South Africa™ is a fast-growing community of like-minded manufacturers. By applying the Manufactured in South Africa™ collective mark to your product, packaging or website, your business is making it really clear to buyers and consumers that you're making right here to the very highest standards.
The key benefits to joining Manufactured in South Africa™:
Licence to use the protected mark.
Your own manufacturer page in the Manufactured in South Africa™ Directory.
Get your news published on our website and across social media.
Support with marketing, sales, export & PR through our events programme.
We'd love to hear from you and know what you are making in South Africa. Joining our organisation starts with completion of the application form.
Manufactured in South Africa™ membership fees are R100 per month (month-to-month) or R900 per annum.